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This Week in Spring – September 27th, 2022

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of _This Week in Spring_!

It’s the last week of _September_, already! The year’s more done than not. The days are receding into darkness earlier. And the Pumpkin Spice Lattes are upon us. The darker and colder days are kind of a bummer, but I’m stil excited and overjoyed this time of year. You know why?

[SpringOne 2022]() is almost here! I feel like it’s that anxious, exciting time before sort of important holiday where you get given gifts! And with it, [Spring Boot 3 and Spring Framework 6](). We’re going to be announcing everything right here on the Spring blog, of course, but if you want a chance to learn from the _source_, then I hope you’ll join us 6-8 December, 2022, right here in my hometown of San Francisco, my favorite west coast city in the USA, and my hometown. )Psst.: If you register now, there’s a $200 discount from the pass price with this code `S1VM22_Advocate_200`.)

Anyway, my friends, we’ve got a ton to cover, so let’s dive right into it.

* [I was interviewed ahead of my appearance at SpringOne]()
* [I was interviewed ahead of my appearance at JavaOne]()
* [A Bootiful Podcast: Couchbase and Cloud legend Laurent Doguin]()
* [Heroku is dead: Let’s deploy Spring Boot containers on!]()
* I spoke at the Microsoft event [“Microsoft Love Java Developer Day-CSDN ??”]() and gave my talk _Kubernetes Native Java_, introducing Spring Boot 3 and Spring Framework 6, as well.
* [My SpringOne 2022]()
* [Native Support in Spring Boot 3.0.0-M5]()
* [Spring Authorization Server 0.4.0-M2 available now]()
* [Spring Authorization Server 1.0.0-M2 available now]()
* [Spring Batch 5.0.0-M6 and 4.3.7 are out!]()
* [Spring Boot 2.6.12 available now]()
* [Spring Boot 2.7.4 available now]()
* [Spring Boot 3.0.0-M5 available now]()
* [Spring Cloud Dataflow 2.10.0-M2 Released]()
* [Spring Integration 6.0.0-M5 and 5.5.15 Available]()
* [Spring Session 2022.0.0-M3 Released]()
* [Spring for Apache Pulsar 0.1.0-M1 is now available]()
* [Spring for GraphQL 1.0.2 released]()
* [Spring for GraphQL 1.1.0-M1 released]()
* Want to learn how to use JRealeaser to build an GraalVM-powered command line application with Spring Boot? Check out this amazing example: [aalmiray/sb-cli-jlink: Sample Spring Boot CLI application]()Read More

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