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mofh Vulnerable to Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference

The `xml.etree.ElementTree` module that mofh used up until version `1.0.1` implements a simple and efficient API for parsing and creating XML data. But it makes the application vulnerable to:

– [Billion Laughs attack]( It is a type of denial-of-service attack aimed at XML parsers. It uses multiple levels of nested entities. If one large entity is repeated with a couple of thousand chars repeatedly, the parser gets overwhelmed.
– [Quadratic blowup attack]( It is similar to a Billion Laughs attack. It abuses entity expansion, too. Instead of nested entities, it repeats one large entity with a couple of thousand chars repeatedly.

The Problem has been patched starting from version `1.0.1` by utilising the `defusedxml` package instead of `xml.etree.ElementTree`.

### Workarounds
For this vulnerability to be exploited the user must be using a custom API URL, which has to be manually given using the `api_url` argument, or MyOwnFreeHost’s API must be hacked. So, if the user did not use a custom API URL they _should_ be fine, however, upgrading is still advised.

Another workaround could be to call `defusedxml.defuse_stdlib()` before making any requests using the client.Read More

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