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Trufflehog – Find Credentials All Over The Place


## TruffleHog

Find leaked credentials.

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## Demo

[![Find credentials all over the place (6)](]( “Find credentials all over the place (7)” )

docker run -it -v “$PWD:/pwd” trufflesecurity/trufflehog:latest github –org=trufflesecurity

# What’s new in v3?

TruffleHog v3 is a complete rewrite in Go with many new powerful features.

* We’ve **added over 700 credential detectors that support active verification against their respective APIs**.
* We’ve also added native **support for scanning GitHub, GitLab, filesystems, and S3**.
* **Instantly verify private keys** against millions of github users and **billions** of TLS [certificates]( “certificates” ) using our [Driftwood]( “Driftwood” ) technology.

## What is credential verification?

For every potential credential that is detected, we’ve painstakingly implemented programatic verification against the API that we think it belongs to. Verification eliminates false positives. For example, the [AWS credential detector]( “AWS credential detector” ) performs a `GetCallerIdentity` API call against the AWS API to verify if an AWS credential is active.

## Installation

Several options:

### 1. Go

git clone

cd trufflehog; go install

### 2. [Release binaries]( “Release binaries” )

### 3. Docker

> Note: Apple M1 hardware users should run with `docker run –platform linux/arm64` for better performance.

#### **Most users**

docker run -it -v “$PWD:/pwd” trufflesecurity/trufflehog:latest github –repo

#### **Apple M1 users**

The `linux/arm64` image is better to run on the M1 than the amd64 image. Even better is running the native darwin binary avilable, but there is not [container]( “container” ) image for that.

docker run –platform linux/arm64 -it -v “$PWD:/pwd” trufflesecurity/trufflehog:latest github –repo

### 4. Pip (help wanted)

It’s possible to distribute binaries in pip wheels.

Here is an example of a [project that does it]( “project that does it” ).

Help with setting up this packaging would be appreciated!

### 5. Brew

brew tap trufflesecurity/trufflehog
brew install trufflehog

## Usage

TruffleHog has a sub-command for each source of data that you may want to scan:

* git
* github
* gitlab
* S3
* filesystem
* syslog
* file and stdin (coming soon)

Each subcommand can have options that you can see with the `-h` flag provided to the sub command:

$ [trufflehog]( “trufflehog” ) git –help
usage: TruffleHog git []

Find [credentials]( “credentials” ) in git repositories.

–help Show context-sensitive help (also try –help-long and –help-man).
–debug Run in debug mode
–version Prints trufflehog version.
-j, –json Output in JSON format.
–json-legacy Use the pre-v3.0 JSON format. Only works with git, gitlab, and github sources.
–concurrency=1 Number of concurrent workers.
–no-verification Don’t verify the results.
–only-verified Only output verified results.
–print-avg-detector-time Print the average time spent on each detector.
–no-update Don’t check for updates.
-i, –include-paths=INCLUDE-PATHS
Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to include in scan.
-x, –exclude-paths=EXCLUDE-PATHS
Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to exclude in scan.
Commit to start scan from.
–branch=BRANCH Branch to scan.
–max-depth=MAX-DEPTH Maximum depth of commits to scan.
–allow No-op flag for backwards compat.
–entropy No-op flag for backwards compat.
–regex No-op flag for backwards compat.

Git repository URL. https:// or file:// schema expected.

For example, to scan a `git` repository, start with

$ trufflehog git

Exit Codes:

* 0: No errors and no results were found.
* 1: An error was encountered. Sources may not have completed scans.
* 183: No errors were encountered, but results were found. Will only be returned if `–fail` flag is used.

#### Scanning an organization

Try scanning an entire GitHub organization with the following:

docker run -it -v “$PWD:/pwd” trufflesecurity/trufflehog:latest github –org=trufflesecurity

### TruffleHog OSS Github Action

– name: TruffleHog OSS
uses: trufflesecurity/[email protected]
# Repository path
# Start scanning from here (usually main branch).
# Scan commits until here (usually dev branch).
head: # optional

The TruffleHog OSS Github Action can be used to scan a range of commits for leaked credentials. The action will fail if any results are found.

For example, to scan the contents of pull requests you could use the following workflow:

name: Leaked Secrets Scan
on: [pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
– name: Checkout code
uses: actions/[email protected]
fetch-depth: 0
– name: TruffleHog OSS
uses: trufflesecurity/[email protected]
path: ./
base: ${{ github.event.repository.default_branch }}
head: HEAD

## Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute]( “Contribute” )].

## Contributing

Contributions are very welcome! Please see our [contribution guidelines first]( “contribution guidelines first” ).

We no longer accept contributions to TruffleHog v2, but that code is available in the `v2` branch.

### Adding new secret detectors

We have published some [documentation and tooling to get started on adding new secret detectors]( “documentation and tooling to get started on adding new secret detectors” ). Let’s improve detection together!

## License Change

Since v3.0, TruffleHog is released under a AGPL 3 license, included in [`LICENSE`]( “Find credentials all over the place (20)” ). TruffleHog v3.0 uses none of the previous codebase, but care was taken to preserve backwards compatibility on the [command line]( “command line” ) interface. The work previous to this release is still available licensed under GPL 2.0 in the history of this repository and the previous package releases and tags. A completed CLA is required for us to accept contributions going forward.

**[Download Trufflehog]( “Download Trufflehog” )**Read More

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