Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of _This Week in Spring_! This week’s all sorts of weird for me. It’s _Tuesday_! But here in the US we just celebrated the 4th of July, and I, like many Americans, took a long weekend. Took some time with the family to do a little road trip up north to visit Mt. Shasta, Crater Lake, Lassen National Park, etc. It was a ton of fun, and a _lot_ of driving! Anyway, it all kinda blurs together and felt like just one weekend, and today feels like Monday. I only just realized it was Tuesday! And you know what that means? It’s time for our weekly dive into the wild and wonderful world of Springdom!
* The last of my eight part series on [building GraphQL applications with Spring for GraphQL is up]()! Check that page out and find links to all eight videos, each of which introduces one interesting dimension of the powerful and novel new Spring for GraphQL project.
* In last week’s installment of _A Bootiful Podcast_, I talk to [Spring Developer Advocate Dan Vega]()
* [Processing the Response Body in Spring Cloud Gateway]()
* [Spring Cloud 2020.0.6 is available]()
* [UUID as Entity ID in MongoDB]()
* I liked this post over on Dzone: [_Are All Kubernetes Ingresses the Same?_]()
* Want to learn more about how to build GraalVM native images for Spring Boot 2.x-generation applications? Check out this article I wrote for [InfoQ on Spring Native and GraalVM]()
* The good folks over at Vaadin have put together a nice tutorial on building full-stack Spring Boot applications [using their Java web framework called Hilla]() – check it out!
* our friends over at Sivalabs have put together an interesting looking tutorial [on how to use Spring Boot and Kubernetes together]()
* Spring Boot team member Stéphane Nicoll did a French-language presentation for [DevFest Lille recently introducing Spring AOT]()Read More