Crawls the given URL and finds broken social media links that can be hijacked. Broken social links may allow an attacker to conduct [phishing]( “phishing” ) attacks. It also can cost a loss of the company’s reputation. Broken social media hijack issues are usually accepted on the bug bounty programs.
Currently, it supports Twitter, Facebook, [Instagram]( “Instagram” ) and Tiktok without any API keys.
[![crawls the website and finds broken social media links that can be hijacked (1)](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/65bbd741a7a85edfd02cd1b08d28c021a33eeda8f30f37855ee26f02f028ba1c/68747470733a2f2f61736369696e656d612e6f72672f612f77594d565849484378784f423351505771344665384164766e2e737667)]( “crawls the website and finds broken social media links that can be hijacked (3)” )
# Installation
## From Binary
You can download the pre-built binaries from the [releases]( “releases” ) page and run. For example:
`wget https://github.com/utkusen/socialhunter/releases/download/v0.1.1/socialhunter_0.1.1_Linux_amd64.tar.gz`
`tar xzvf socialhunter_0.1.1_Linux_amd64.tar.gz`
`./socialhunter –help`
## From Source
1. Install Go on your system
2. Run: `go get -u github.com/utkusen/socialhunter`
# Usage
socialhunter requires 2 parameters to run:
`-f` : Path of the text file that contains URLs line by line. The crawl function is path-aware. For example, if the URL is `https://utkusen.com/blog`, it only crawls the pages under `/blog` path
`-w` : The number of workers to run (e.g `-w 10`). The default value is 5. You can increase or decrease this by [testing]( “testing” ) out the capability of your system.
**[Download Socialhunter]( “Download Socialhunter” )**Read More