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This Week in Spring – May 24th, 2022

Hi, Spring fans! I’m in Spain for business and not just a little pleasure. Yesterday, my partner, her mother, and I went to Formentera, Spain, a little island off of Ibiza, Spain. It was amazing. We’re now in Ibiza, Spain, which is a little island not far from Barcelona, Spain, on the mainland of Spain. It feels a bit like that Inception movie. We traveled by boat to Formentera for a little vacation inside of another little vacation (Ibiza) and inside of another little vacation (Barcelona). Tomorrow I’ll return to Barcelona for the Spring IO event. Yes, technically, this is work. But it’s an oh-so-much pleasure, too. I can’t wait! It’ll be the first time I’ve seen a ton of these people in years! I hope to see y’all there or _los vemos_!

* Happily, [Spring for GraphQL 1.0 has been released!](). It’s included in the Spring Boot 2.7 release that just dropped. Check it out on the Spring Initializr.
* I wrote an article for InfoQ on Spring Native called: [Go Native with Spring Boot and GraalVM]() – Check it out!
* [Configure MongoDB Collection Name for a Class in Spring Data]()
* [Constraint Composition with Bean Validation]()
* [Craig Walls’s YouTube channel on building Alexa clients]()
* [Deployment Strategies]()
* [Difference Between git merge and rebase]()
* [Find Files that Match Wildcard Strings in Java]()
* [Get Domain Name From Given URL in Java]()
* [Get Keycloak User ID in Spring]()
* [Good bye Spring Boot 2.5.x, hello 2.7.0]()
* [Java Weekly, Issue 438]()
* [Remove File From Git Repository Without Deleting It Locally]()
* [RequestLine with Feign Client]()
* [Spring Boot 2.5.14 available now]()
* [Spring Boot 2.6.8 available now]()
* [Spring Boot 2.7.0 available now]()
* [Spring Boot 3.0.0-M3 available now]()
* [Spring Security 5.7.1, 5.6.5, 5.5.8 Released]()
* [Spring Security 6.0.0-M5 available now]()
* Craig Walls, author of _Spring in Action_ and a forthcoming book on building talking applications, has a new YouTube channel: [Spring in Action]()
* Any longtime readers of this column know that I love Siva over at He’s contributed cool content for like a decade. Amazing! So, imagine my joy to find he’d started creating videos introducing the fundamentals of Spring Boot: check them out at [SpringBoot Tips]()!
* [Using Transactions for Read-Only Operations]()
* [What Is the JDK com.sun.proxy.$Proxy Class?]()
* [You might be interested in this ticket. Mockito 4.5.0 should support native-image with some additional build args. More support coming.]()
* [Good progress has been made on making Mockito work on the JVM]()
* [Java is 27 years and going strong!]()
* [Blog: Kubernetes 1.24: Avoid Collisions Assigning IP Addresses to Services]()
* [Blog: Kubernetes 1.24: Introducing Non-Graceful Node Shutdown Alpha]()
* [Blog: Kubernetes 1.24: Prevent unauthorised volume mode conversion]()
* [Apache ActiveMQ vs. Kafka]()
* [Check if a Character is a Vowel in Java]()Read More

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